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    작성일 : 13-11-26 11:19
    [공지사항] 2014년도 미국심리학회 연차총회 (American Psychological Association Annual Convention) Poster Session 접수 #3
     글쓴이 : 행복연구소
    조회 : 953,757  

    그 동안 "본능심리이론"에 대한 발표를 하지 않고 외도상담에만 적용을 하고 있었는데, 2014년 8월에 미국 워싱톤에서 개최되는 미국심리학회의 "2014 APA Annual Convention"에 발표를 하기 위하여 접수를 하였다.

    세번째는 "남자의 사랑과 행복"에 대한 내용이다.

    제출한 내용이 선정될지의 여부는 2014년 2월에 발표된다. 최소한 본능심리이론의 도서출간과 함께 영문판(미국으로 출간예정)의 도서출간 등을 하기 전에 접수를 하는 것이 좋을 것이라는 생각을 하였다.

    한국에서도 독자적인 새로운 심리이론, 상담기법, 심리치료기법 등을 개발하여 사용하고 있다는 것을 알려주고 싶고, 한국이 더 이상 심리이론과 상담이론의 변방국가가 아니라는 것을 알려주고 싶다.


    2014 APA Annual Convention

    1. Preferred mode of presentation : Poster Session

    2.Title of presentation : On Happiness and Love of Men

       First index term : 38 Human Factors

    3. Division to submit this proposal : 51 - Men and Masculinity

    4. Name of sponsor : Katherine Lacasse


    On Happiness and Love of Men


    - Based upon over 3,000 Affair Problem Counseling and 50,000 sessions reports

    Men and women are born with their respective BonNeung (meaning instinct in Korean adapted to

    differentiate instinct of human’s from that of animals’) Psychology. At birth, Consciousness Psychology and

    Habit Psychology are absent and they are formed throughout each person’s lives during which psychology

    systems are maintained and get changed and human beings seek their happiness.

    Accordingly, men pursue Future Happiness as they feel passionate and sense of accomplishment (positive

    feelings) and value it more than the Present Happiness.

    This is closely linked with the Memory of Feelings and Defense Mechanism of men. If men remember

    negative feelings, they would want to heal them because negative feelings interrupt men’s PSYCHOLOGY

    STANDARD OF FUTURE HAPPINESS PURSUIT. Contrarily, men remember positive feelings and

    demand them continuously because they are sources of energy in pursuing Future Happiness.

    If a man feels present happiness, he would feel comfortable and cozy but his passion would be reduced.

    He recognizes that all is accomplished and that there is nothing left to be passionate for - his future

    happiness is blocked. This is why men usually feel depressed after prolonged feelings of present happiness

    and even go further to believe that meanings of life is lost - a psychological disorder has occurred. Thus, the

    BonNeung Psychology Standard for men is to pursue Future Happiness based upon passion and sense of

    achievement and requires positive feelings of joy.

    In addition, when a man’s passion focuses on a woman, he feels joy and happiness and forms a process of

    matching his future happiness pursuit standard and his values with that particular woman so that they can be

    together. This is why a man, from the process of marriage and having children, forms AN IDEA OF UNLIMITED RESPONSIBILITY AND UNCONSCIOUS LOVE, something that a woman does not possess. The Unlimited Responsibility and Unconscious Love cannot be formed unless the process of passion has been sustained for a considerable amount of time.

    This idea can be formed within the system of marriage, family, wife and children or from a long period of

    passion towards a woman. Thus, men’s love starts from passion and is formed with the idea of unlimited

    responsibility. For a man, to love a woman means to identify (being same) her with the man himself and it is

    not formed unless all of his being is identified with that woman. This is why men’s love is unseen,

    unconscious and unfelt and is revealed only in times of crisis.

    Women’s love is closely linked with present happiness so that it can be seen, recognized and felt.

    However, Men’s love is linked with future happiness and is unseen, unfelt and unrecognized. Men’s idea of

    unlimited responsibility and love are unconscious because they are from identifying themselves with the

    women they love.


    개인정보취급방침 | 이메일무단수집거부 | 서비스이용약관 | 업무제휴문의

    본 사이트에 있는 모든 내용은 행복연구소(주)에 저작권이 있으며 저작권자의 허락 없이 무단 복제 및 사용을 금합니다.
    행복연구소(주) | 서울특별시 강남구 도산대로 213 (신사동) 3층 | 구주소 : 서울시 강남구 신사동 587-13
    Tel : 02)418-3003 | Fax : 02)418-3093 | 사업자번호 : 106-86-84108
    통신판매번호 : 강남-02229호 | 대표이사 : 권다미 | 개인정보책임자 : 권다미 | 대표이메일 : dami38@hanmail.net       LOGIN

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